tl;dr; You can add 1960+ SubjectAlternativeNames on one certificate and at least Firefox and Chrome are working fine with that. Internet Explorer failed but I did not investigate why.
So why would you want to have close to 2K SANs on one certificate? While we're working on adopting a more dynamic development workflow at my workplace we're currently bound to a central development system. From there we serve a classic virtual hosting setup with "projectname.username.devel.ourdomain.example" mapped on "/web/username/projectname/". That is 100% dynamic with wildcard DNS entries and you can just add a new project to your folder and use it directly. All of that is served from just a single VirtualHost.
Now our developers started to go through all our active projects to make them fit
for serving via HTTPS. While we can verify the proper usage of https on our staging
system where we've validating certificates, that's not the way you'd like to work.
So someone approached me to look into a solution for our development system. Obvious
choices like wildcard certificates do not work here because we've two dynamic components
in the FQDN. So we would've to buy a wildcard certificate for every developer and we would've
to create a VirtualHost entry for every new developer. That's expensive and we don't want
all that additional work. So I started to search for documented limits on the number of
SANs you can have on a certificate. The good news: there are none. The RFC does not define
a limit. So much about the theory.
Following Ivans excellent documentation I setup an internal CA and an ugly "find ... |sed ...|tr ..." one-liner later I had a properly formated openssl config file to generate a CSR with all 1960 "projectname.username..." SAN combinations found on the development system. Two openssl invocations (CSR generation and signing) later I had a signed certificate with 1960 SANs on it. I imported the internal CA I created in Firefox and Chrome, and to my surprise it worked.
Noteworthy: To sign with "openssl ca" without interactive prompts you've to use the "-batch" option.
I'm thinking about regenerating the certificate every morning so our developers just have to create
a new project directory and within 24h serving via HTTPS would be enabled. The only thing I'm currently
pondering about is how to properly run the CA in a corporate Windows world. We could of course ask the
Windows guys to include it for everyone but then we would've to really invest time in properly running
the CA. I'd like to avoid that hassle. So I'd guess we just stick to providing the CA for those developers
who need it. This all or nothing model is a constant PITA, and you really do not want to get owned via your
own badly managed CA.
Regarding Internet Explorer it jumped in my face with a strange error message that recommended to enable TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 in the options menu. Of course that's already enable. I'll try to take a look at the handshake next week, but I bet we've to accept for the moment that IE will not work with so many SANs. Would be interesting to try out Windows 10 with Spartan, but well I'm not that interested in Windows to invest more time on that front. Other TLS implementations, like Java, would be also interesting to test.