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The film is centered around the idea of establishing an alternative to the GDP as the metric to measure success of a country/society. The film follows mostly Katherine Trebeck on her journey of convincing countries to look beyond the GDP. I very much enjoyed watching this documentary to get a first impression of the idea itself and the effort involved. I had the chance to watch the german version of it online. But there is now another virtual screening offered by the Permacultur Film Club on the 29th and 30th of March 2025. This screening is on a pay-as-you-like-and-can basis and includes a Q&A session with Kathrine Trebeck.

Trailer 1 and Trailer 2 are available on Youtube if you like to get a first impression.

Posted Thu Mar 20 16:04:14 2025

Seems in the k8s world there are sufficient enough race conditions in shutting down pods and removing those from endpoint slices in time. Thus people started to do all kind of workarounds like adding a statically linked sleep binary to otherwise "distroless" and rather empty OCI images to just run a sleep command on shutdown before really shutting down. Or even base64 encoding the sleep binary and shipping it via configMap. Or whatever else. Eventually the situation was so severe that upstream decided to implement a sleep feature in the deployment resource directly.

In short it looks like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: foo
            seconds: 10

Maybe highlighting that "feature" helps some more people to get rid of their own preStop sleep commands and make some deployments a tiny bit simpler.

Posted Thu Mar 20 14:42:01 2025

Sometimes you've to look at the content of x509 certificate chains. Usually one finds them pem encoded and concatenated in a text file.

Since the openssl x509 subcommand only decodes the first certificate it will find in a file, I did something like this:

csplit -z -f 'cert' fullchain.pem '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/' '{*}'
for x in cert*; do openssl x509 -in $x -noout -text; done

Apparently that's the "wrong" way and the more appropriate way is using the openssl crl2pkcs7 subcommand albeit we do not try to parse a revocation list here.

  openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile fullchain.pem | \
  openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -noout

Learned that one in a webinar presented by Victor Dukhovni. If you're new to the topic worth watching.

Posted Wed Dec 4 18:23:51 2024

Not entirely sure how people use fluxcd, but I guess most people have something like a flux-system flux kustomization as the root to add more flux kustomizations to their kubernetes cluster. Here all of that is living in a monorepo, and as we're all humans people figure out different ways to break it, which brings the reconciliation of the flux controllers down. Thus we set out to do some pre-flight validations.

Note1: We do not use flux variable substitutions for those root kustomizations, so if you use those, you've to put additional work into the validation and pipe things through flux envsubst.

First Iteration: Just Run kustomize Like Flux Would Do It

With a folder structure where we've a cluster folder with subfolders per cluster, we just run a for loop over all of them:

for CLUSTER in ${CLUSTERS}; do
    pushd clusters/${CLUSTER}

    # validate if we can create and build a flux-system like kustomization file
    kustomize create --autodetect --recursive
    if ! kustomize build . -o /dev/null 2> error.log; then
        echo "Error building flux-system kustomization for cluster ${CLUSTER}"
        cat error.log


Second Iteration: Make Sure Our Workload Subfolder Have a kustomization.yaml

Next someone figured out that you can delete some yaml files from a workload subfolder, including the kustomization.yaml, but not all of them. That left around a resource definition which lacks some other referenced objects, but is still happily included into the root kustomization by kustomize create and flux, which of course did not work.

Thus we started to catch that as well in our growing for loop:

for CLUSTER in ${CLUSTERS}; do
    pushd clusters/${CLUSTER}

    # validate if we can create and build a flux-system like kustomization file
    kustomize create --autodetect --recursive
    if ! kustomize build . -o /dev/null 2> error.log; then
        echo "Error building flux-system kustomization for cluster ${CLUSTER}"
        cat error.log

    # validate if we always have a kustomization file in folders with yaml files
    for CLFOLDER in $(find . -type d); do
        test -f ${CLFOLDER}/kustomization.yaml && continue
        test -f ${CLFOLDER}/kustomization.yml && continue
        if [[ $(find ${CLFOLDER} -maxdepth 1 \( -name '*.yaml' -o -name '*.yml' \) -type f|wc -l) != 0 ]]; then
            echo "Error Cluster ${CLUSTER} folder ${CLFOLDER} lacks a kustomization.yaml"


Note2: I shortened those snippets to the core parts. In our case some things are a bit specific to how we implemented the execution of those checks in GitHub action workflows. Hope that's enough to transport the idea of what to check for.

Posted Tue Nov 12 15:19:37 2024

I naively provisioned an HTTPS record at Google CloudDNS like this via terraform:

resource "google_dns_record_set" "testv6" {
    name         = "testv6.some-domain.example."
    managed_zone = "some-domain-example"
    type         = "HTTPS"
    ttl          = 3600
    rrdatas      = ["1 . alpn=\"h2\" ipv4hint=\"\" ipv6hint=\"2001:DB8::1\""]

This results in a permanent diff because the Google CloudDNS API seems to parse the record content, and stores the ipv6hint expanded (removing the :: notation) and in all lowercase as 2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:1. Thus to fix the permanent diff we've to use it like this:

resource "google_dns_record_set" "testv6" {
    name = "testv6.some-domain.example."
    managed_zone = "some-domain-example"
    type = "HTTPS"
    ttl = 3600
    rrdatas = ["1 . alpn=\"h2\" ipv4hint=\"\" ipv6hint=\"2001:db8:0:0:0:0:0:1\""]

Guess I should be glad that they already support HTTPS records natively, and not bicker too much about the implementation details.

Posted Mon Nov 4 14:11:45 2024

Just a "warn your brothers" for people foolish enough to use GKE and run on the Rapid release channel.

Update from version 1.31.1-gke.1146000 to 1.31.1-gke.1678000 is causing trouble whenever NetworkPolicy resources and a readinessProbe (or health check) are configured. As a workaround we started to remove the NetworkPolicy resources. E.g. when kustomize is involved with a patch like this:

- patch: |-
    $patch: delete
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: dummy
    kind: NetworkPolicy

We tried to update to the latest version - right now 1.31.1-gke.2008000 - which did not change anything. Behaviour is pretty much erratic, sometimes it still works and sometimes the traffic is denied. It also seems that there is some relevant fix in 1.31.1-gke.1678000 because that is now the oldest release of 1.31.1 which I can find in the regular and rapid release channels. The last known good version 1.31.1-gke.1146000 is not available to try a downgrade.

Update: 1.31.4-gke.1372000 in late January 2025 seems to finally fix it.

Posted Mon Oct 28 17:43:14 2024

I'm in the unlucky position to have to deal with GitHub. Thus I've a terraform module in a project which deals with populating organization secrets in our GitHub organization, and assigning repositories access to those secrets.

Since the GitHub terraform provider internally works mostly with repository IDs, not slugs (this human readable organization/repo format), we've to do some mapping in between. In my case it looks like this:

#tfvars Input for Module
org_secrets = {
    "SECRET_A" = {
        repos = [
    "SECRET_B" = {
        repos = [

# Module Code
Limitation: The GH search API which is queried returns at most 1000
results. Thus whenever we reach that limit this approach will no longer work.
The query is also intentionally limited to internal repositories right now.
data "github_repositories" "repos" {
    query           = "org:myorg archived:false -is:public -is:private"
    include_repo_id = true

The properties of the github_repositories.repos data source queried
above contains only lists. Thus we've to manually establish a mapping
between the repository names we need as a lookup key later on, and the
repository id we got in another list from the search query above.
locals {
    # Assemble the set of repository names we need repo_ids for
    repos = toset(flatten([for v in var.org_secrets : v.repos]))

    # Walk through all names in the query result list and check
    # if they're also in our repo set. If yes add the repo name -> id
    # mapping to our resulting map
    repos_and_ids = {
        for i, v in data.github_repositories.repos.names : v => data.github_repositories.repos.repo_ids[i]
        if contains(local.repos, v)

resource "github_actions_organization_secret" "org_secrets" {
    for_each        = var.org_secrets
    secret_name     = each.key
    visibility      = "selected"
    # the logic how the secret value is sourced is omitted here
    plaintext_value =
    selected_repository_ids = [
        for r in each.value.repos : local.repos_and_ids[r]
        if can(local.repos_and_ids[r])

Now if we do something bad, delete a repository and forget to remove it from the configuration for the module, we receive some error message that a (numeric) repository ID could not be found. Pretty much useless for the average user because you've to figure out which repository is still in the configuration list, but got deleted recently.

Luckily terraform supports since version 1.2 precondition checks, which we can use in an output-block to provide the information which repository is missing. What we need is the set of missing repositories and the validation condition:

locals {
    # Debug facility in combination with an output and precondition check
    # There we can report which repository we still have in our configuration
    # but no longer get as a result from the data provider query
    missing_repos = setsubtract(local.repos, data.github_repositories.repos.names)

# Debug facility - If we can not find every repository in our
# search query result, report those repos as an error
output "missing_repos" {
    value = local.missing_repos
    precondition {
        condition     = length(local.missing_repos) == 0
        error_message = format("Repos in config missing from resultset: %v", local.missing_repos)

Now you only have to be aware that GitHub is GitHub and the TF provider has open bugs, but is not supported by GitHub and you will encounter inconsistent results. But it works, even if your terraform apply failed that way.

Posted Mon Oct 21 15:26:21 2024

Learned a few things about xdg and mimetype registration in the last week that could be helpful to have condensed in a single place.

No Need to Ship a Mailcap Mime File

If you already ship a .desktop file (that is what ends up in /usr/share/applications/) which has a MimeType declared, there is no need to also ship a mailcap file (that is what ends up in /usr/lib/mime/packages/). Some triggers will do the conversion work for you. See also Debian Policy 4.9.

Reverse DNS Naming Convention for .desktop Files

Seems to be a closely guarded secret, maybe mainly known inside the Gnome world, but it's in the spec. Also not very widely known inside Debian if I look at my local system as not very representative sample.

Your hicolor Theme App Icon can be a Mime Type Icon as Well

In case you didn't know the hicolor icon theme is the default fallback theme. Many of us already install application icons e.g. in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ which is used in conjunction with the Icon field in the .desktop file to locate the application icon. Now the next step, and there it seems quite of few us miss out, is to create a symlink to also provide a mime type icon, so it's displayed in graphical file managers for the application data files. The schema here is simple: Take the MimeType e.g. application/x-vymand replace the / with a - and use that as file name in e.g. /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes/. In the vym case that is /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/mimetypes/application-x-vym.png. If you have one use a scalable .svg file instead of .png.

This seems to be an area where Debian lacks a bit of tooling to automatically convert application icons to all the different sizes and install it in all the appropriate places. What is already there is a trigger to run gtk-update-icon-cache when you install new icons into one of the icon theme folder so they're picked up.

No Priority or Order in .desktop Files

Likely something that hapens on all my fresh installations: Libreoffice is installed and xdg-open starts to open pdf files with Libreoffice instead of evince. Now I've to figure out again to run xdg-mime default org.gnome.Evince.desktop application/pdf to change that (at least for my user). Background here is that the desktop file spec explicitly mandates "Priority for applications is handled external to the .desktop files.". That's why we got in addition to all of that mimeapps.list files. And now, after running the xdg-mime command from above, we've a ~/.config/mimeapps.list defining

[Default Applications]

Debian as whole seems to be not very keen on shipping something like a sensible default mimeapps.list outside of desktop environment specific ones. A quick search gave me just

$ apt-file search mimeapps.list
cinnamon-desktop-data: /usr/share/applications/x-cinnamon-mimeapps.list
gdm3: /usr/share/gdm/greeter/applications/mimeapps.list
gnome-session-common: /usr/share/applications/gnome-mimeapps.list
plasma-workspace: /usr/share/applications/kde-mimeapps.list
sxmo-utils: /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list
sxmo-utils: /usr/share/sxmo/xdg/mimeapps.list

While it's a bit anoying to run into that pdf vs Libreoffice thing every now and then, it's maybe better to not have long controversial threads about default pdf viewer, like the ones we already had about the default MTA choices. ;) And while we're at it: everyone using Libreoffice should give a virtual hug to rene@ for taming that beast since 2010 and before.

Posted Sat May 11 18:57:08 2024

Had a need for a mindmapping application and found view your mind in the archive. Works but the version is a bit rusty. Sadly my Debian packaging skills are a bit rusty as well, especially when it comes to bigger GUI applications. Thus I spent a good chunk of yesterday afternoon to rip out cdbs and package the last source release on github which is right now 2.9.22 (the release branch already has 2.9.27, still sorting that out).

Git repository and a amd64 build of the current state. It still deserves some additional love, e.g. creating a -common package for arch indep content.

Proposed a few changes upstream:

Also pinged pollux@ who uploaded vym up to 2019 if he'd be fine if I pick it up. If someone else is interested, I'm also fine to put it up on salsa in the general "Debian" group for shared maintenance. I guess I will use it in the future, but time is still a scarce resource for all of us.

Posted Sat May 4 16:59:42 2024

I recently came a cross a x509 P(rivate)KI Root Certificate which had a pathLen constrain set on the (self signed) Root Certificate. Since that is not commonly seen I looked a bit around to get a better understanding about how the pathLen basic constrain should be used.

Primary source is RFC 5280 section

The pathLenConstraint field is meaningful only if the cA boolean is asserted and the key usage extension, if present, asserts the keyCertSign bit (Section In this case, it gives the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that may follow this certificate in a valid certification path

Since the Root is always self-issued it doesn't count towards the limit, and since it's the last certificate (or the first depending on how you count) in a chain, it's pretty much pointless to configure a pathLen constrain directly on a Root Certificate.

Another relevant resource are the Baseline Requirements of the CA/Browser Forum (currently v2.0.2). Section "Root CA Basic Constraints" describes it as NOT RECOMMENDED for a Root CA.

Last but not least there is the awesome x509 Limbo project which has a section for validating pathLen constrains. Since the RFC 5280 based assumption is that self signed certs do not count, they do not check a case with such a constrain on the Root itself, and what the implementations do about it. So the assumption right now is that they properly ignore it.

Summary: It's pointless to set the pathLen constrain on the Root Certificate, so just don't do it.

Posted Tue Apr 2 21:07:21 2024